State Rehabilitation Councils create opportunities for people with disabilities to shape the services that support them in going to work.

Community Compensation may be available for Governor appointed members who have lived experience and/or are low-income.

FAQs About Council Participation

Now Seeking Council Members from Washington State

Do you have a commitment to serving others? If you enjoy learning, building relationships, and advocating for change in systems, the WSRC provides a rewarding opportunity for volunteer public service. If you are interested in joining the WSRC council, we encourage you to attend a quarterly meeting or contact our staff.

If you need any support with the application process please communicate directly with WSRC staff rather than the Governor's office. We are available to you toll free at 1-866-252-2939 and by email at

Please send us an email at our office to let us know you applied. 

Apply to Serve

Frequently Asked Questions About Council Participation

Who appoints council members? 

The Governor appoints members to volunteer for three-year terms.

Who makes up the Council?

The Washington State Rehabilitation Council (WSRC) is a sixteen member board that partners with the Division of Vocational Rehabilitation (DVR) to help individuals with disabilities find and maintain employment.

The Washington State Rehabilitation Council is authorized in federal law under the Rehabilitation Act and in Washington State by Executive Order 04-04. All members are appointed by the Governor, with a mandate that individuals with disabilities comprise at least 51% of Council membership.

The WSRC is made up of a diverse membership to best represent the unique, collective and diverse voices of individuals with disabilities. Our ideal candidate is an individual with a disability or disability-related experience who is passionate about employment for all and wants to make the DVR program in Washington State the best in the nation.

Our members represent interest groups including:

  • Current or former customers of DVR
  • Business and Industry
  • Labor
  • Division of Vocational Rehabilitation (DVR)
  • Tribal Vocational Rehabilitation Partners
  • Community Rehabilitation Programs
  • The Client Assistance Program
  • The Office of Superintendent of Public Instruction
  • A Parent Training and Education Program
  • Workforce Training & Education Coordinating Board
  • Disability Advocates
How often does the council meet? 

The WSRC has four, two-day meetings per year (February, May, August, and November) in communities across the state. Council subcommittees also establish work plans and meet monthly by conference call to coordinate their work. 

Prospective members should expect to commit an average 4-6 hours per month to WSRC activities, such as reading and responding to emails, participating in subcommittee activities (generally by phone), and keeping up with what's going on in vocational rehabilitation. Expenses incurred due to travel and lodging for WSRC related activities are reimbursable - the council staff help to make meeting arrangements and members are reimbursed for the cost of travel and meals according to state travel guidelines.

How long do members serve?

Council members may serve two terms and each term is three years. Second terms are not guaranteed.

What do council members do? 

The mission of the Council is to engage DSHS Division of Vocational Rehabilitation (DVR) customers to learn their needs, priorities, and satisfaction with services and outcomes, and to evaluate all aspects of DVR service delivery for quality and effectiveness. The purpose of these activities is to amplify the interests and concerns of customers in all aspects of DVR planning and service delivery.

Each member serves on a committee and participates in the work of the full Council, including contributing to: 

  • Customer Satisfaction and Program Evaluation
  • Partnerships
  • Policy and Planning
  • Executive Committee

Each committee meets once per month and these meetings are open to the public. If you have more questions or would like to attend a committee meeting, contact the WSRC staff. We are available to you toll free at 1-866-252-2939 and by email at Ready to apply? Follow the link below to access the application on the Governor's website.

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